std::bind and lambda functions 1

In the “no raw loops” series I have been glossing over the details of std::bind and lambda. I want to dive a little more deeply into some of those details.

I am not going to explore all of the details, as with everything I post I am going to focus on the parts that are interesting and useful to me. If you are looking for definitive descriptions of what is going on, I highly recommend these three references:

The standard looks intimidating, it is written in a very precise subset of English, but with a little practice at reading “standardese” it is very approachable, well written and useful. It is worth taking the time to get used to it.

Let’s go back to basics. If you understand C function pointers skip this installment, the C++ stuff won’t arrive until later.

Let’s go back to C and a simple function in C:

double add( int i, float f )
    return i + f;

What can we do with this function? The first obvious thing we can do is to call it:

int i = 7;
float f = 10.5f;
double d = add( i, f );
printf( "%f\n", d );

How do we call it? We follow the name of the function with round brackets () and put the list of arguments to the function inside the round brackets. The result of the expression add( i, f ) is the return value and type of the function.

The round brackets are known as the function call operator. Notice that word operator, it’s a word that comes up a lot in C and C++. In general you have something being operated upon (maybe several somethings) and an operator that defines what is happening. For example:

int i = 7;

We take a thing with a name – i – of type int and apply an operator – ++ – to it.

In the case of our function we take a thing with a name – add – of type unknown (at least at the moment it’s unknown, we’ll get to it soon) and apply an operator – () – to it.

There is definitely some common ground between an int and our function. Is there more common ground? C provides us with something else we can do with functions. We can create a function pointer and point it at a function. The syntax is wacky (but if we had a problem with wacky syntax we shouldn’t be programming in C or C++):

double (*pFn)( int, float ) = &add;

To obtain the type of the function pointer we take the function prototype and remove the function name double ( int, float ), then we add (*) where the function name used to be to indicate that this is a pointer to a function double (*)( int, float ). That gives us the type of the function. In order to get a variable of that type we put in the name of the variable next to the (*)double (*pFn)( int, float ).

So we have pFn – a pointer to a function. We can dereference the pointer and apply the function call operator to it:

int i = 7;
float f = 10.5f;
double d = (*pFn)( i, f );
printf( "%f\n", d );

Given that it’s a pointer we should be able to change the function that it is pointing at. Here’s an unrealistic but illustrative example:

double mul( int i, float f )
    return i * f;

enum Operator

double callOperator( enum Operator op, int i, float f )
    double (*pFn)( int, float );
    if( op == OPERATOR_ADD )
        pFn = &add;
        pFn = &mul;

    return (*pFn)( i, f );

Since pFn is a pointer, we might wonder what happens if we set it to NULL, then try to call it:

pFn = NULL;
d = (*pFn)( i, f );

As you might expect, calling a NULL function pointer falls squarely in the “don’t do that” category. In fact, it’s like attempting to dereference any other NULL pointer. On Visual Studio we get this:

Unhandled exception at 0x0000000000000000 in Blog.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation executing location 0x0000000000000000.

On cygwin we get this:

Segmentation fault (core dumped)

We can make life simpler for ourselves in a couple of ways. The C standard allows us to omit the & (address of) operator when we assign a function to a pointer so instead of:

pFn = &add;

We can write:

pFn = add;

In a similar vein, we can omit the * (indirection) operator. Instead of:

d = (*pFn)( i, f );

We can write:

d = pFn( i, f );

Finally, we can use typedef to keep the wacky function pointer type syntax in one place:

typedef double (*FunctionPtr)( int, float );
FunctionPtr pFn = add;

We can now store a pointer to a function in a variable. That means we can save that function and use it later. We can pass the pointer to a function into another function, and return it from a function. Orginally the only thing we could do with our function was to call it (apply the function call operator to it), now we can pass it around in the same way as we pass ints around. This gets us into the world of “first class citizens” or “first class functions”.

There doesn’t appear to be a precise definition for a first class function, but it is safe to assume that if a function can only be called it is not a first class function, the function must be able to be stored and passed around to have any hope of being a first class function. There are a couple of Wikipedia articles with useful information:

First class citizen

First class functions

That’s it for part #1. We haven’t mentioned std::bind and lambdas yet, in fact we haven’t even made it into the right language. Stay tuned for part #2 where we move on to C++.

Quote of the week – quality

Quality is a team issue.

Andrew Hunt and David Thomas The Pragmatic Programmer

I have worked on projects where quality was the sole responsibility of the QA department. I have worked on projects where quality was (in theory) injected during the two weeks before shipping. None of these projects have produced quality code or quality products.

Algorithms in action – std::transform

Nice and simple this week, a short example with one of my most used algorithms – std::transform. This post talked about the way in which I am sorting a list of files. At the time I wrote that post I was getting the list of files directly from the file system, however I also want to be able to write the file metadata out to a JSON file and read it back in.

A simplified version of the JSON file looks like this:

    "compile.bat" : [77, 990630480],
    "keycodes.h" : [2728, 1124154608],
    "q3_ui.bat" : [5742, 1033844878],
    "q3_ui.q3asm" : [544, 1033844878],
    "" : [1124, 990630480],
    "q3_ui.vcproj" : [63532, 1124230338],
    "ui.def" : [29, 990630480],
    "ui.q3asm" : [568, 990630480]

(The full version includes a directory structure as well. I have removed the directory structure for simplicity.)

As before, I have my FileMetaData structure and a vector of FileMetaData objects:

struct FileMetaData
    std::string fileName_;
    std::size_t size_;
    std::time_t lastWriteTime_;

typedef std::vector< FileMetaData > FileMetaDataVector;

I want to read in the file which gives me the data as a JSON string, and transform it into a FileMetaDataVector object. For simplicity, I am using the boost property tree classes as a quick and easy way to get JSON input working (this will probably not be my final solution but it is good enough for now).

Reading the JSON data in and parsing it as JSON is easy:

    std::istream& istr )
    boost::property_tree::ptree propertiesTree;
    boost::property_tree::read_json( istr, propertiesTree );

The nice thing about the property tree is that (to quote from the documentation) “each node is also an STL-compatible Sequence for its child nodes”. An STL-compatible sequence means that I can use its iterators as input to the standard algorithms. The JSON input has been transformed into a boost::property_tree::ptree object. Now I want to transform it into a FileMetaDataVector object. Because boost::property_tree::ptree is STL compatible I can treat it just like I would any other container:

    FileMetaDataVector result;

        std::begin( propertiesTree ), 
        std::end( propertiesTree ), 
        std::back_inserter( result ), 
        valueToFileMetaData );

    return result;

I need to write valueToFileMetaData – the function to convert a child of boost::property_tree::ptree into a FileMetaData object. The implementation isn’t of interest for this post, the prototype for the function looks like this:

    boost::property_tree::ptree::value_type const& );

I have said it before and I will say it again – one of the best things the STL does for us is to give us a framework. Write an algorithm or a container that fits into that framework and you instantly have access to everything else in that framework.

Incidentally, the code I have that reads in the file metadata from the file system also uses standard algorithms. I am using the boost filesystem library, and in particular, directory iterator. I didn’t use that code as an example because directory_iterator returns files and directories and I need to do a little work to split them out, but the principle is the same – because Boost treats a directory as an STL-compatible container I can use STL algorithms to operate on it.

Quote of the week – teaching

People have said you don’t understand something until you’ve taught it in a class. The truth is you don’t understand something until you’ve taught it to a computer, until you’ve been able to program it.

George Forsythe

Most of the quotes I pick are on this blog because I agree with them. George Forsythe was the founder and head of Stanford University’s Computer Science Department so he certainly has standing to comment on teaching methods, but I think that this quote underestimates the usefulness of teaching a class to other people. Teaching a computer is useful, it forces me into many corners that I wouldn’t have to explore and exposes my misconceptions; however teaching a class exposes me to other people’s misconceptions, many of which end up not being misconceptions at all. At the very least, they point me towards a different way of thinking about the problem.

Teach it in a class and teach it to a computer.

Algorithms in action – sorting (follow up)

In the first part of this series we looked at a number of ways of sorting the displayed elements without having to sort every item in a (possibly) large list. The final “pivot sort” kept the position of the currently selected element fixed on the display while the rest of the list sorted around it. The code was relatively simple – all of the heavy lifting was done by the standard library with one call to std::partition and two calls to std::partial_sort. There is only one problem – the function doesn’t work for a number of cases.

We can work out what these cases are in a number of ways. One is simply to run a large number of tests – always a good idea when dealing with code like this, however, without having thought through the problem and the special cases we can’t guarantee that we are testing all of the relevant cases. So, let’s look at the original problem statement and see what special cases we can find.

We never had an “official” statement of the problem, but this will do:

Keep the position of the currently selected element fixed on the display while the rest of the list sorts around it.

Are there any circumstances under which we cannot achieve this goal, or are there any circumstances where we can achieve this goal but it will lead to odd results? Here’s one problem case, we keep the selected element in its same place on the display but we end up with several blank spaces at the top of the display. We have achieved our goal, but we are not making the most of the display area (mouse over the image to see the before and after pictures):

We can also imagine a similar problem occurring at the end of the list. These “blanks” can occur for any length list if the selected element ends up close enough to the beginning or end of the list, however if the length of the list is smaller than the number of elements we display this problem is going to occur all of the time. There is also an implicit assumption I’ve been making all along that the selected element is actually on the display when we start to sort. If the element isn’t on display we can apply the same rules (the selected element remains in its same position relative to the display and everything else sorts around it) but it isn’t obvious to me that we’ll get useful results from doing that.

These are exactly the sort of cases we’d expect to need to test – values that are large or small or near some boundary. Several of these cases indicate areas where we need to make a decision – do we allow the list to display fewer elements than it can to keep the selected element in the correct place? What is the right behaviour if the selected element is off the display before the sort starts?

For the purposes of this post I am going to state the the algorithm must always display as many elements as possible (i.e. there will be no blanks on the display unless the total number of elements is less than the number we can display, and even then there must be as few blanks as possible). I will also state that if the selected element is off the top of the display it will end up in the top position on the display, and if the selected element is off the bottom of the display it will end up in the bottom position on the display.

There is another approach we can take that is helpful for this problem. Work our way through the code and see what places in the code might give us unexpected results.

    UInt nDisplayedElements, 
    UInt topElementIndex, 
    UInt pivotElementIndex, 
    Comparator const& comparator, 
    UInt& newTopElementIndex, 
    UInt& newPivotElementIndex,
    FMDVector& files )
    FileMetaData const pivotElement( 
        files[ pivotElementIndex ] );

    Iter pivotElementIterator( 
            std::begin( files ), 
            std::end( files ), 
            std::bind( comparator, _1, pivotElement ) ) );

The first couple of statements are good (I am assuming that nobody will call the code with pivotElementIndex outside the range of the file vector – if we want to guard against that we can easily add preconditions). Things start to get hairy with the next statement though:

UInt const pivotOffset( 
    pivotElementIndex - topElementIndex );

We are subtracting two unsigned integer values. If pivotElementIndex is smaller than topElementIndex, the result of the subtraction is a very large positive value that is almost certainly unexpected and unwanted. If pivotElementIndex is smaller than topElementIndex it means that the pivot element was above the top of the display – one of the problem cases we have just identified.

Iter displayBegin( pivotElementIterator - pivotOffset );

We know we can’t trust pivotOffset – it might be some extremely large number, however even if pivotOffset has a reasonable value, we do not know for certain that pivotElementIterator - pivotOffset will produce a legal iterator (i.e. one in the range files.begin() to files.end()). Notice that this matches another of the problem cases we identified above – the top element on the display actually comes before the first element in the vector leaving blank lines on the display.

Iter displayEnd( displayBegin + nDisplayedElements );

displayBegin is already suspect, and even if displayBegin is within range we have no guarantee that displayBegin + nDisplayedElements will be in range. displayEnd might end up being past the end of the vector – the “blanks at the end of the list” problem.

newTopElementIndex = displayBegin - std::begin( files );
newPivotElementIndex = 
    pivotElementIterator - std::begin( files );

There is nothing wrong with these two lines if displayBegin and pivotElementIterator are in range. pivotElementIterator is fine, however as we have just seen, displayBegin may well be out of range.

    std::end( files ), 
    comparator );

We know that pivotElementIterator is good, but displayEnd is suspect.

        ReverseIter( pivotElementIterator ), 
        ReverseIter( displayBegin ), 
        ReverseIter( std::begin( files ) ), 
        std::bind( comparator, _2, _1 ) );

Again, pivotElementIterator is good, but displayBegin is suspect.

There are three iterators that we need to know to perform this sort:

  • pivotElementIterator
  • displayBegin
  • displayEnd

We have seen that pivotElementIterator is easy to get correct, the problem is with the other two iterators. This is what I came up with to get correct values for displayBegin and displayEnd.

    UInt nDisplayedElements, 
    UInt topElementIndex, 
    UInt pivotElementIndex, 
    Comparator const& comparator, 
    UInt& newTopElementIndex, 
    UInt& newPivotElementIndex,
    FMDVector& files )
    FileMetaData const pivotElement( 
        files[ pivotElementIndex ] );

    Iter const newPivotElementIterator( 
            std::begin( files ), 
            std::end( files ), 
            std::bind( comparator, _1, pivotElement ) ) );

The first two lines stay the same – the only possible errors here can be avoided by the caller.

newPivotElementIndex = 
    newPivotElementIterator - std::begin( files );

The calculation of newPivotElementIndex hasn’t changed, I have just moved it to earlier in the function because I am going to make use of it.

pivotElementIndex = boost::algorithm::clamp( 
    topElementIndex + nDisplayedElements - 1 );

We fix the problem of the pivot element being off the display by clamping the pivot element’s position to the limits of the display. We do this after we get the value of the pivot element. (Notice that since boost::algorithm::clamp is effectively a combination of std::min and std::max we have to use - 1 for our “end of range” calculation).

UInt pivotOffset( pivotElementIndex - topElementIndex );

Since we have clamped the value of pivotElementIndex we know that the subtraction will not overflow – pivotOffset has a legal value.

pivotOffset = std::min( pivotOffset, newPivotElementIndex );

We clamp pivotOffset to make sure that we won’t run off the beginning of the vector.

Iter displayBegin( 
    newPivotElementIterator - pivotOffset );
newTopElementIndex = displayBegin - std::begin( files );

We know for sure that displayBegin is a valid iterator since we know that pivotOffset is in a legal range.

nDisplayedElements = std::min( 
    files.size() );

Solves any problems caused by having a list shorter than the size of our display.

Iter const displayEnd( 
    files.begin() + 
        newTopElementIndex + nDisplayedElements, 
        files.size() ) );

displayEnd is now in the correct place, and a legal iterator. Now we can use displayEnd to recalculate displayBegin (yes, we have to calculate displayBegin twice).

displayBegin = std::min( 
    displayEnd - nDisplayedElements, 
    displayBegin );
newTopElementIndex = displayBegin - std::begin( files );

Finally all of our iterators are correct and we can sort the elements.

        std::end( files ), 
        comparator );

        ReverseIter( newPivotElementIterator ), 
        ReverseIter( displayBegin ), 
        ReverseIter( std::begin( files ) ), 
        std::bind( comparator, _2, _1 ) );

Here’s the function in a single block for clarity:

    UInt nDisplayedElements, 
    UInt topElementIndex, 
    UInt pivotElementIndex, 
    Comparator const& comparator, 
    UInt& newTopElementIndex, 
    UInt& newPivotElementIndex,
    FMDVector& files )
    FileMetaData const pivotElement( 
        files[ pivotElementIndex ] );

    Iter const newPivotElementIterator( 
            std::begin( files ), 
            std::end( files ), 
            std::bind( comparator, _1, pivotElement ) ) );

    newPivotElementIndex = 
        newPivotElementIterator - std::begin( files );

    pivotElementIndex = boost::algorithm::clamp( 
        topElementIndex + nDisplayedElements - 1 );

    UInt pivotOffset( pivotElementIndex - topElementIndex );
    pivotOffset = std::min( pivotOffset, newPivotElementIndex );

    Iter displayBegin( 
        newPivotElementIterator - pivotOffset );
    newTopElementIndex = displayBegin - std::begin( files );

    nDisplayedElements = std::min( 
        files.size() );

    Iter const displayEnd( 
        files.begin() + 
            newTopElementIndex + nDisplayedElements, 
            files.size() ) );

    displayBegin = std::min( 
        displayEnd - nDisplayedElements, 
        displayBegin );
    newTopElementIndex = displayBegin - std::begin( files );

        std::end( files ), 
        comparator );

        ReverseIter( newPivotElementIterator ), 
        ReverseIter( displayBegin ), 
        ReverseIter( std::begin( files ) ), 
        std::bind( comparator, _2, _1 ) );

I quite like my original function – sortAroundPivotElementBasic. I don’t like the new function nearly as much. Of course, sortAroundPivotElement has the advantage that it works (not something to dismiss lightly) but it lacks Tony Hoare’s quality of being “so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies”. I believe that the code is correct. I have done extensive testing on the function. I worked my way through all of the places in the code where things might be incorrect and made sure that I was doing appropriate checks. Even with all of that I am not convinced of my ability to explain the code correctly (I have done my best with the explanation above but I don’t think that my explanation is perfect).

Of course one possibility is that I am not as good at reading, writing and explaining code as I should be, but even though that’s true, it’s still worth looking at ways to improve sortAroundPivotElement.

The function now obviously splits into three sections (that was always the case, it just wasn’t as clear with the basic version):

  1. Calculate the new position of the pivot element
  2. Calculate displayBegin and displayEnd.
  3. Sort the elements on screen

The calculation of displayBegin and displayEnd is an obvious step to split out into its own function. That would at least keep the main function closer to the core parts of the algorithm, and keep all of the special case handling in a separate function.

I can think of various ways to handle the special cases separately (if the number of elements in the vector is smaller than the number we can display we might just as well sort the entire vector; if the new position of the pivot element is close enough to the beginning or end of the vector to cause a problem we could just use std::partial sort on the beginning or end) but they add the overhead of splitting out the special cases.

Maybe I’ll eventually come up with a better way of calculating displayBegin and displayEnd, in the meantime, we have a function that works.

Unsigned integer variables

I made a conscious decision when I wrote this code to avoid integer conversions (implicit or explicit) as much as possible. That lead to my basic integer type being an unsigned type:

typedef std::vector< FileMetaData > FMDVector;
typedef FMDVector::size_type        UInt;

I was able to achieve my goal – there are no implicit or explicit integer conversions. I have a working function where every integer in use is the same unsigned type. Surely this is a good thing?

The basic problem with unsigned integer types is that the model they provide breaks down when you try to set them to a negative value, whether directly or as the result of an operation (such as the subtraction in sortAroundPivotElementBasic) that could overflow.

This has been discussed more than once on comp.lang.c++.moderated:

Discussion 1
Discussion 2

I am opposed to using unsigned integers for arithmetic (rather than bit array) purposes. Every time I have tried to use unsigned integers for quantities that must always be positive (for example, the width and height of a rectangle in a 2D graphics system), I inevitably end up needing to subtract them, and all of a sudden I have overflow problems.

I managed to make an “all unsigned all the time” policy work with sortAroundPivotElement. I am slightly surprised about that because during development I had several problems with overflow. It took some time to come up with a solution where overflow was not a problem.

Even though I managed to get a working solution, I would still change the unsigned ints for signed ints if I was putting this into production code. The function as it stands is fragile. I managed to come up with a solution without overflow, however if someone (and this includes me) has to change the function at a later date (e.g. because we want the special cases to be handled differently) they will have to do a bunch more work to maintain that property (and might fail under circumstances that will, of course, elude all testing and only manifest themselves when a potential customer is evaluating the software).

C++11 makes this easy for us by giving us an easy way to make a signed type out of the corresponding unsigned type:

typedef std::make_signed< UInt >::type Int;

Of course then we will have to convert between integer types since std::vector::size returns an unsigned type. We can moan about this, but it isn’t going to change.

Algorithms in action – sorting

I like to have a personal project that I use to explore different programming ideas – my current personal project is an editor. A couple of features I am adding require the use of a list – for example, the editor is working on a certain set of files and I want to be able to see the files, perhaps sorted by file name:

sort filename

Perhaps sorted by directory:

sort directory

This is completely typical list control behaviour – click on a column header to sort on that column and scroll through the list to see every element in its correct place. Of course I want this to be highly responsive, and I also want to be able to have many millions of elements in the list – I probably won’t ever have a project with a million files in it but I might well have a million symbols.

I am using a virtual list control – the list control itself does not have most of the data for the list. It knows how many elements are in the list and which block of elements it is displaying, then it calls back into my code to get the text for the elements it is displaying. The list control does not have to deal with millions of elements, it just has to deal with the elements it is currently displaying.

For my definition of “responsive” I am going to use Jakob Nielsen’s values from his article Response Times: The 3 Important Limits:

< 0.1 second for that instantaneous feeling
< 1 second to avoid interrupting the user’s flow of thought
< 10 seconds to avoid losing the user’s attention altogether.

Useful definitions

For this example we have a very simple struct containing file metadata, and a comparator class that gives us an ordering of FileMetaData objects. I have left out the details of the comparator class, but we can tell it to compare on filename, directory, size or last write time.

struct FileMetaData
    std::string fileName_;
    std::string directory_;
    std::size_t size_;
    std::time_t lastWriteTime_;

class Comparator
    bool operator()( 
        FileMetaData const& a, 
        FileMetaData const& b )

There are also a few typedefs that will come in useful:

typedef std::vector< FileMetaData > FMDVector;
typedef FMDVector::iterator         Iter;
typedef FMDVector::reverse_iterator ReverseIter;
typedef FMDVector::size_type        UInt;

The problem

When we click on a column header the list should be resorted on the data in that column. We should be able to scroll through the list and see every list element in the correct place.

Solution #0

Since we need to sort the elements in the list why not just use std::sort? The code is simple and obvious:

    Comparator const& comparator, 
    FMDVector& files )
        std::begin( files ), 
        std::end( files ), 
        comparator );

(I know that the sort barely deserves to be inside its own function but it’ll make it consistent with our more complicated sorting later).

Whenever we click on a column header we update the comparator and call sortAllElements. The code is simple and it works.

The catch comes when we look at performance. Here are the times to sort different numbers of elements:

# elements sort all
1,000 0.000s
10,000 0.000s
100,000 0.187s
1,000,000 2.480s
10,000,000 33.134s

The timings look great up to 10,000, even sorting 100,000 elements is acceptable. Once we get into the millions though the numbers get much worse. We really don’t want to be waiting around for 2 seconds, let alone 30+ seconds.

The C++ standard tells us that std::sort has a complexity of O( n * log n ). As we have just seen, we get good results with small numbers of elements, but much worse results as n gets larger.

So the straightforward sort works well for smaller numbers of elements, but we are going to need something smarter for millions of elements. There are several possibilities:

  1. Offload some of the work onto separate threads – even if we didn’t speed up the overall sort time we would at least avoid locking up the main UI thread.
  2. Use previous knowledge of the ordering to avoid having to do a complete re-sort.
  3. Keep multiple copies of the list, each sorted by a different column so that the right one can be instantly swapped in.

For the purposes of this blog post I am going to avoid #1 because threading opens up its own can of worms. I will declare that #2 is invalid because we don’t have any previous knowledge (or at least we have to have a solution that works responsively even if we don’t have any previous knowledge of the ordering). I am not going to consider #3 because I don’t want to make that particular speed / space tradeoff.

Instead I am going to take my cue from the virtual list control. It only needs to know about the elements it is displaying – those are the only elements that need to be in sorted order.

The problem has now moved from “sort the entire list” to “sort that portion of the list that is displayed”. If we can always guarantee that the portion of the list that is displayed is sorted correctly, the user will never know the difference. This has the potential to be much quicker – the number of displayed elements is relatively small. I can get around 70 lines on my monitor, let’s round that up to 100 – we need to get the 100 displayed elements correctly sorted and in their right place.

Solution #1

We’ll start with a straightforward case, the 100 elements we want to display are right at the beginning of the list (quite possibly the case when the list is first displayed). The standard library supplies us with many more sorting related algorithms than std::sort, and for this case it gives us std::partial_sort. As the name suggests, it partially sorts the list – we tell it how much of the beginning of the list we want it to sort:

    UInt k, 
    Comparator const& comparator, 
    FMDVector& files )
        std::begin( files ), 
        std::begin( files ) + k, 
        std::end( files ), 
        comparator );

(There is no error handling in the function itself – I am assuming that the caller has ensured the values being passed in are within range.)

We have an additional parameter – k, the number of elements we want sorted correctly. We use k to create an iterator that we pass to std::partial_sort.

According to the standard, std::partial_sort has a complexity of O( n * log k ). Since k is likely to be much smaller than n (we’re assuming that k is 100) we should get better performance:

# elements sort all sort initial
1,000 0.000s 0.000s
10,000 0.000s 0.000s
100,000 0.187s 0.000s
1,000,000 2.480s 0.047s
10,000,000 33.134s 0.406s

This is looking much better. We are still in the instantaneous category at one million elements and even though 10 million is pushing us to around half a second it is still a vast improvement over sorting the entire list.

Moving on, it’s all very well being able to sort the beginning of the list correctly but we also want to be able to scroll through the list. We want to be able to display any arbitrary range of the list correctly.

Solution #2

Once again, the standard provides us with a useful algorithm. The function std::nth_element lets us put the nth element of a list into its correct place, and also partitions the list so that all of the elements before the nth element come before that element in sort order, and all of the elements after come after the nth element in sort order.

So, we can use std::nth_element to get the element at the beginning of the range into the correct place, then all we have to do is sort the k elements afterwards to get our range sorted. The code looks like this:

    UInt firstElementIndex, 
    UInt k, 
    Comparator const& comparator, 
    FMDVector& files )
        std::begin( files ), 
        std::begin( files ) + firstElementIndex, 
        std::end( files ), 
        comparator );
        std::begin( files ) + firstElementIndex, 
        std::begin( files ) + firstElementIndex + k, 
        std::end( files ), 
        comparator );

and the performance data:

# elements sort all sort initial sort range
1,000 0.000s 0.000s 0.000s
10,000 0.000s 0.000s 0.016s
100,000 0.187s 0.000s 0.016s
1,000,000 2.480s 0.047s 0.203s
10,000,000 33.134s 0.406s 2.340s

A million elements pushes us outside the “instantaneous” limit, but still acceptable. Unfortunately, 10 million elements isn’t great.

There is one more feature of sorting lists that I love. I use it in my email all the time. By default, my email is sorted by date – I want to see the most recent emails first. Sometimes though I’ll be looking at an email and want to see other emails from that sender. When that happens, I can click on the “sender” column header and have the email I currently have selected stay in the same place while the rest of the list sorts itself around the selected email. The selected element acts like a pivot and the rest of the lists moves around the pivot.

Mouse over this image to see an example of this sort on our list of files:

Solution #3

WARNING – the code I am about to present does not work under all circumstances. I want to focus on the sorting algorithms so for the time being I am not going to clutter the code up with all of the checks needed to make it general. DO NOT USE THIS CODE. I will write a follow up blog post presenting a correct version of this function with all of the checks in place.

Sorting around a pivot element is a more complicated function than the others so I’ll walk through it step by step.

    UInt nDisplayedElements, 
    UInt topElementIndex, 
    UInt pivotElementIndex, 
    Comparator const& comparator, 
    UInt& newTopElementIndex, 
    UInt& newPivotElementIndex,
    FMDVector& files )
  • nDisplayedElements The number of elements displayed on screen.
  • topElementIndex The index of the top displayed element of the list.
  • pivotElementIndex The index of the pivot element.
  • comparator Same as the other sort functions – the object that lets us order the list.
  • newTopElementIndex An output parameter – the index of the top element after sorting.
  • newPivotElementIndex The index of the pivot element after sorting.
  • files The list of files we are sorting.

Our first job is to find out the new position of the pivot element. Previously we had used std::nth_element to partition the range, this time, since we actually know the value of the element, we’ll use std::partition:

FileMetaData const pivotElement( 
    files[ pivotElementIndex ] );

Iter pivotElementIterator( 
        std::begin( files ), 
        std::end( files ), 
        std::bind( comparator, _1, pivotElement ) ) );

Notice that although we are using the same comparator we have used for all of our sort operations we are binding the pivot element to the comparator’s second argument. std::partition expects a unary predicate – it moves all elements for which the predicate returns true to the front, and all elements for which the predicate returns false to the back. It then returns an iterator corresponding to the point between the two partitions. By binding our pivot element to the second parameter of comparator we get a unary predicate that returns true if an element is less than the pivot element and false otherwise.

We know where the pivot element ends up in the list, and we also know where it ends up on the display – we want it to stay in the same position on the display. This means we can work out the range of elements that are displayed.

UInt const pivotOffset( 
    pivotElementIndex - topElementIndex );

Iter displayBegin( pivotElementIterator - pivotOffset );
Iter displayEnd( displayBegin + nDisplayedElements );

Now we can fill in two of our return values.

newTopElementIndex = displayBegin - std::begin( files );
newPivotElementIndex = 
    pivotElementIterator - std::begin( files );

To recap, we have two iterators that tell us the range of elements that are displayed – displayBegin and displayEnd. We have a third iterator that tells us where the pivot element has ended up – pivotElementIterator. We also know that the elements have been partitioned – we have two partitions, each with all the right elements, but in the wrong order. The boundary between those two partitions is the location of the pivot element.

We’ve used std::partial_sort a couple of times already, we can use it again to sort the bottom section of the display:

    std::end( files ), 
    comparator );

Of course we also want to sort the top section of the display. All we need is a version of std::partial_sort that will sort the end of a list, not the beginning. The standard library doesn’t supply us with that algorithm, but it does give us a way of reversing the list. If we reverse the list above the pivot element we can use std::partition. We do this using reverse iterators:

    ReverseIter( pivotElementIterator ), 
    ReverseIter( displayBegin ), 
    ReverseIter( std::begin( files ) ), 
    std::bind( comparator, _2, _1 ) );

Reverse iterators are easily constructed from the forward iterators that we already have, and they plug right into algorithms just like regular iterators do. The beginning of our reversed list is at the pivot element, the end is at std::begin( files ) and the element we are sorting to is the top of the display. Notice that we had to reverse our comparator as well (and notice that reversing the comparator does not involve applying operator ! to its output, we actually need to reverse the order of the arguments).

Here’s the function in one block:

    UInt nDisplayedElements, 
    UInt topElementIndex, 
    UInt pivotElementIndex, 
    Comparator const& comparator, 
    UInt& newTopElementIndex, 
    UInt& newPivotElementIndex,
    FMDVector& files )
    FileMetaData const pivotElement( 
        files[ pivotElementIndex ] );

    Iter pivotElementIterator( 
            std::begin( files ), 
            std::end( files ), 
            std::bind( comparator, _1, pivotElement ) ) );

    UInt const pivotOffset( 
        pivotElementIndex - topElementIndex );

    Iter displayBegin( pivotElementIterator - pivotOffset );
    Iter displayEnd( displayBegin + nDisplayedElements );
    newTopElementIndex = displayBegin - std::begin( files );
    newPivotElementIndex = 
        pivotElementIterator - std::begin( files );
        std::end( files ), 
        comparator );
        ReverseIter( pivotElementIterator ), 
        ReverseIter( displayBegin ), 
        ReverseIter( std::begin( files ) ), 
        std::bind( comparator, _2, _1 ) );

And the performance?

# elements sort all sort initial sort range sort around pivot
1,000 0.000s 0.000s 0.000s 0.000s
10,000 0.000s 0.000s 0.016s 0.000s
100,000 0.187s 0.000s 0.016s 0.016s
1,000,000 2.480s 0.047s 0.203s 0.094s
10,000,000 33.134s 0.406s 2.340s 1.061s

Pretty darn good, in fact better than sorting a given range. Again, once we get up to ten million elements we lose responsiveness, I think the lesson here is that once we get over one million elements we need to find some other techniques.

I want to repeat my warning from above. The code I have just presented for the pivot sort fails in some cases (and fails in an “illegal memory access” way, not just a “gives the wrong answer” way). I will write a follow up post that fixes these problems.

Wrap up

We have seen that with a little work, and some standard library algorithms, we can do distinctly better than sorting the entire list, we can increase the number of elements by 2 orders of magnitude and still get reasonable performance. Extremely large numbers of elements still give us problems though.

Is this the best we can do? It’s the best I’ve been able to come up with – if you have something better please post it in the comments, or send me a link to where you describe it.

One last thought. Earlier on I dismissed option #2 – “Use previous knowledge of the ordering to avoid having to do a complete re-sort.” by saying that I wanted algorithms that would work without prior knowledge. We now have those algorithms, and once we have applied any of them we will have some knowledge of the ordering. For example, once we have sorted a given range we can divide the data set into 3 – the first block of data has all the right elements, just in the wrong order, the second block has all of the right elements in the right order and the third block has all of the right elements in the wrong order. We can use this information as we’re scrolling through the list to make updates quicker.

Quotes of the week – efficiency

There is no doubt that the grail of efficiency leads to abuse. Programmers waste enormous amounts of time thinking about, or worrying about, the speed of noncritical parts of their programs, and these attempts at efficiency actually have a strong negative impact when debugging and maintenance are considered. We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil.

Yet we should not pass up our opportunities in that critical 3%. A good programmer will not be lulled into complacency by such reasoning, he will be wise to look carefully at the critical code; but only after that code has been identified. It is often a mistake to make a priori judgments about what parts of a program are really critical, since the universal experience of programmers who have been using measurement tools has been that their intuitive guesses fail. After working with such tools for seven years, I’ve become convinced that all compilers written from now on should be designed to provide all programmers with feedback indicating what parts of their programs are costing the most; indeed, this feedback should be supplied automatically unless it has been specifically turned off.

Donald Knuth

More computing sins are committed in the name of efficiency (without necessarily achieving it) than for any other single reason – including blind stupidity.

William A. Wulf

Interestingly, despite the fact that neither of these quotes says anything specifically about goto, and that the sentiments can be applied to programming as a whole, they both come from papers talking about the use of gotos. Knuth’s quote is from Structured Programming with go to Statements, (Computing Surveys, Vol 6, No 4, December 1974, p268). Wulf’s quote is from A Case Against the GOTO (Proceedings of the ACM National Conference, ACM, Boston, August 1972, p796)

Knuth’s quote is usually abbreviated to “premature optimization is the root of all evil”, sometimes “97% of the time” is mentioned. I wanted to put the quote in context – the surrounding text adds a layer of nuance that isn’t present in the sound bite.

There is some interesting background information on the origin of Knuth’s quote at Shreevatsa R’s blog here.